sexta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2011

Autodesk Cloud Rendering Hotfix

Foi lançado um hotfix para os utilizadores do serviço Autodesk Cloud Rendering

Esta actualização inclui os seguintes itens:

Cloud Rendering Web Portal: 
  1. Re-render rendered the wrong view or had wrong thumbnail or view name.  We fixed two bugs in the gallery re-render feature. These should fix the wrong view re-render issues for new and previously uploaded files. 
  2. Estimated time remaining information on progress bar.  The thumbnail progress bar remaining time estimate was not showing up when the mouse was hovering on it. 
  3. Shorter view name in tooltip.  When you hover on a thumbnail in the gallery the pop-up that appears now displays the short version of the view name. 
  4. Re-render email option added.  In the dialog that appears when re-rendering an image it's now possible to enable/disable the email notification 
  5. Zoom sensitivity in panorama viewer.  We adjusted the zoom sensitivity in the panorama viewer.  There are slightly different behaviors depending on the browser used. That's expected. 
  6. TIFF panoramas display.  Panoramas generated from TIFF images were not showing in the panorama viewer. 
  7. Panorama size limited.  A Flash limitation in the Internet Explorer panorama viewer cannot display large panoramas.  Panoramas sizes are now capped for this reason and for overall system performance control.

  1. Materials with bump set to 0 rendered black.  When a bump of relief map was set to 0 intensity the material was rendering black. 
  2. Index of Refraction for Generic materials not working.  Generic materials had a fixed IOR of 1.5. Now we use the refraction parameter value correctly. 
  3. Better rendering timeout estimation.  Some renderings were failing if they were taking longer than the estimated time. Now we allow extra time. 
  4. Reflectivity parameters (equal values) error.  When Generic material reflectivity parameters were set to the same value the material was rendering incorrectly. 

Revit Add-in: 

  1. Section box fix.  In some cases the section box was not cutting the geometry correctly when objects were visible in other non-sectioned views.  We now handle that case correctly. 

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